Look at Helen Mirren. An amazing actress, a beauty and at 65, a body that passes off as nothing short of amazing and fit for someone half her age.

I have been lazy to write, but that does not mean I have been lacking in thoughts about what I want to write about. I store the thoughts in my mind and bring them out when I get the time and the mood to sit down, switch off the TV and type (of course the break in the World Cup in between the Round of 16 and the quarter finals made the switching off of the TV much easier).
Will's car was broken into a few weeks ago (if this sounds like deja vu, Will was mugged a few months' ago - so this has been an unfortunate year for my fiance). The passenger window was smashed, glove box was rummaged through and an empty knapsack was stolen. Although financially he got off ok (he could have suffered much worse material losses), break-in's are always a nuisance because of the things you need to fix and the insurance you need to worry about whether to claim or not to claim.
This happened early in the morning when we were still half-asleep from the night before, which was the time of the day when one tends to be grumpiest. And Will is one of the most easily agitated person I know. So I was very surprised, and impressed, when Will reacted with a "HOI what are you doing?" to the boy who was fishing about in his car (who then quickly scampered away) and then with still calmness as he decided what he needed to do to mitigate the severity of the situation given he had to show up at work in a couple of hours.
There are people who are generally calm, but react negatively to pressure, and there are also people who, on the other hand, are generally high-strung but react calmly when required. I believe there is a lot of strength in the ability to deal with bad situations calmly. It is not easy, and real personalities emerge when put under the test. Isn't it much easier, when someone does or says something that irritates you or offend your core belief, to just let your head get dizzy with anger and let them have a piece of your mind, than to be rational and calm and ignore their ignorant comments with the knowledge that a bad reaction may lead to worse outcomes?
Many arguments, fights and wars break out as a result of different parties not being able to see eye to eye, with little tolerance for differences. Much violence and regrettable incidents could have been avoided with either or all parties remaining calm. You know you cannot prevent unfavourable events from happening to you or your family, but the least you can do is to ensure your mind bears the right thoughts when they do occur and that you are not going to let the unfavourable events carry on any further.
Picture courtesy of theimp.com.au
Bicton Quarantine Park
3. I found out late last week that I will be commencing on a new project within these couple of weeks. This is a great opportunity as the client is a reputable global organisation, the project is a critical driver and I will get to work with real experts in the field (from the US). I cannot wait for it to begin!
4. Another highlight at work today (which can almost match the above) was that Nestle was doing a promotion on their HEAVEN range ice-cream and we received free ice-cream today! I picked the chunky cookie flavour and when I bit into it, I felt like I was in ....
5. Style Reverie is undergoing a rebranding exercise at the moment. For the last week, with the assistance of a very talented friend (www.horngshii.com), I have been making myself busy with the redefination of the SR logo. I have settled on the following. It should be imparting a chic, simple, fun feel. What do you think?
Sometimes I wish the world can be a little less serious ...
I have donated to the Haiti disaster ... have you?
In relation to the food there are a couple of things you need to be aware of:
1. You will have to be prepared to wait. For quite a while. The restaurant is solely run by a husband and wife team - husband as chef and wife as waitress with no additional help. The chef also takes a lot of pride in his cooking and is persistent that you will have to wait in order to get good food (and he is right). A tip: Have a cool, thirst-quenching malty German beer while you wait.
2. Although there are a few of the dishes that are superbly delectable, not all the dishes are equally yummy. A good indication to start with is - always order the German dish i.e. if you're torn between a choice of the pepper steak and the Schweinehaxe - choose the latter.
3. Be prepared to have lots of meat. Lots and lots of good meat.
My personal favourites are: the Schweinehaxe (a 1kg baked pork hock with crunchy skin and extremely soft flesh), the Gebratene Ente (half duck stuffed with apples and herbs also baked to perfection) and Kasespatzle and fried camembert for starters.
Gotta blog it (just because 1. it's my first ever 3D movie and 2. everyone else has an opinion!).
Anyone who have been reading the papers or out and about would have known to either book their tickets online or rock up early to ensure tickets availability. Well, I knew, but I just didn't get around to doing it.
There were only 40 seats left in the room when we bought our tickets, so not only did we have to sit in one of the front rows, our seats were on the left hand side. So we had to sit through the movie in an awkward angle, my stomach was slightly queasy from the 3D effect from a wrong angle, and I had to use my hand to keep the 3D glasses on my non-existent nose bridge throughout the movie.
Having said that I really enjoyed the movie! The plot was not original (we came out feeling like we have watched a replay of Pocahontas, or Dances with Wolves) but there were a few things that kept me intrigued and engaged all throughout, if nothing else:
- The breathtaking sceneries and exotic creatures on Planet Pandora, and the angles from which the movie was filmed (lots of close-up's and zoom in's) to create the most amazing 3D effect
- I found the blue species of "people" strangely very attractive and captivating in their lean, fit forms, large eyes, skimpy costumes and smooth movements (Sam Worthington looked better blue)
- I always love fantasy movies and watching things which are pure creations of the minds, things which can keep my mind off the real world for a while (I am a kid at heart like that)
I found the 2.5 hours, $20 and sore arm to be worth my while - what about you?
My handsome blue hunk
Love the box
Have been looking forward to the weekends more these days. It's more than just the fact that we're not working and I can sleep in... but it is also the 2 days of the week when Will and I can sit down together (on the comfortable couch which I picked) and watch our latest favourite Korean dramas.
Latest fave: IRIS
If you like action movies, or movies about detectives and CIA agents, or movies about conspiracies, or if you just like watching the flawless features of Kim Tae Hee, you would enjoy this drama. Apart from an all-star cast, the drama also has a catchy sountrack and some spectacular scenes shot from Japan and Hungary. IRIS is still currently being aired in Korea as I type this, so I think a translated or subtitled version will only be available in DVD a couple of months from now.
The flawless Kim Tae Hee
What Cervantes did not have a lot of ...