Monday, February 1, 2010

Highlights of the Week

1. My first comment received on my blog! After 2.5 months of diligent writing I have finally received a comment (being aware also that this might not be a "real" comment given that it's written in Mandarin - I wouldn't know!). I tried to put it through Google Translate and it sounded ok. Thanks!
Note: Google Translate is an awesome tool which can provide you with a literal translation for most major languages. Although it will not translate a 40-page Japanese report into an understandable report in English (I tried), but it works well enough for basic purposes. Just for fun, try putting these Korean words through "내 블로그를 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다".
2. Will and I haven't been spending a lot of time by ourselves for the last few weeks so we took the opportunity to turn a fishing trip in Bicton Quarantine Park into a picnic for only the two of us. The view of the Swan River from the park was breathtaking (and we can view the magnificent Mosman Bay just directly opposite us), and we stayed on late enough to see the full moon casting bright, shimmery, white light onto the waters. Although we didn't catch anything that night it was a lovely night out.

Bicton Quarantine Park

3. I found out late last week that I will be commencing on a new project within these couple of weeks. This is a great opportunity as the client is a reputable global organisation, the project is a critical driver and I will get to work with real experts in the field (from the US). I cannot wait for it to begin!

4. Another highlight at work today (which can almost match the above) was that Nestle was doing a promotion on their HEAVEN range ice-cream and we received free ice-cream today! I picked the chunky cookie flavour and when I bit into it, I felt like I was in ....

5. Style Reverie is undergoing a rebranding exercise at the moment. For the last week, with the assistance of a very talented friend (, I have been making myself busy with the redefination of the SR logo. I have settled on the following. It should be imparting a chic, simple, fun feel. What do you think?

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